Some missions are too hard, the difficulty level is not the very consistent in the late game. This game is nice but the handling, which is crucial for a tactical shooter, is worse than that of its predecessors. Overall SWAT 4 is a very fun game that has a unique approach on making FPS games more intelligent and bringing a more tactical approach to dealing with pesky criminals. Your characters are very frail though, so moving slowly and surprising the enemy is paramount. Online play is an interesting diversion that has it’s moments. The squad leader who briefs you on your mission does an impeccable job of making you feel as if you really are eavesdropping on an important mission briefing.

The SWAT team sound cool and calculated and always sound as if they really are SWAT members. The civilians sound scared and confused and the criminals sound determined and angry. Every gunshot, door opening or explosion feels and sounds realistic. The sound effects in this game are spot on. They’ll often ask you to move out of the way which can be annoying if you like to keep them close (which is a good idea generally). The AI isn’t perfect but often does a good job. You can also order them to handcuff enemies or stick by you. You can assign each team a different task so while one team is stacking up against a door, the other one is preparing C4 to breach the other door. There are also two other teams comprised of two squad members. Ultimately this game is about teamwork, fairplay and tactics. Going into this game thinking it’s like Call of Duty is just going to end up with you getting a lot of penalty points or worse, running out of ammo and becoming a liability to your team. You can also use the taser or pepperspray but this requires some practice. In general, it’s best to throw smokebombs or flashbangs in order to get them to surrender faster. You are expected to give the suspects fair warning by yelling for compliance before you are allowed to take any lethal action.

In this game, rather than go in ‘guns ablazing’, it pays to take the more stealthy approach. In this game, you lead a team of five SWAT members and you must undertake some complex missions such as stopping a bank raid or arresting a dangerous suspect. You are expected to give the suspects fair warning by yelling for compliance The game is called SWAT 4 and is available only on the PC. The game is called SWAT 4 and is available only on the PC.