See also WildBill's modified configuration. exec 360_controller_pc.cfg enables Xbox 360 controller support. asw_flare_b asw_flare_g asw_flare_r Change the flare colors. Or rely on the poor cursor fast reload bar. asw_fast_reload_under_marine 1 Places a fast reload bar under your actual marine so you don't need to look in the corner to time your reload. asw_camera_shake 0 Removes the camera shake effect when hit by an enemy. mat_grain_scale_override 0 Removes the grain effect on the screen. Client Side Commands asw_auto_reload 0 Disables the auto reload. Alternatively, try placing them in the newmapsettings.cfg file in the cfg folder.

To make these commands automatic so you no longer have to enter them every time you start up the game, you must create an autoexec file in: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\alien swarm\swarm\cfg Create a file in notepad named "autoexec.cfg" (Include the quotation marks when you save it under saveas!) Place any console commands you want to be entered within that file. To do this, go to options, keyboard/mouse, and checkmark enable developer's console. You use these by entering them into the developers console. These are useful commands to enhance your alien swarm experience. Thanks to Shrimpsess of the steam forums You can! The Commands